
How Do I Stop Facebook From Asking Me To Update My Profile

Despite its issues, and there are many, Facebook remains today's main digital public square. Politicians and journalists gravitate toward Twitter, Gen Z loves Snapchat and TikTok, and Facebook fills in the gaps everywhere else.

A few years of scandals accept nevertheless to brand much of an touch on Facebook's bottom line. In the Us and Canada, information technology had its best-ever quarter for ad revenue in Q4 2020, co-ordinate to Statista. Monthly active users on the platform in the US/Canada keep to go upwards. Facebook is not synonymous with "the internet," (despite its best efforts), merely its website and apps offering a bevy of personalization options. Read on to awaken your inner social networking guru.

1. Listen to Music in the Spotify Miniplayer

spotify on facebook

Spotify Premium members in select markets can at present listen to songs and podcasts inside the iOS and Android Facebook app. Spotify Free users can also tap into the new feature via shuffle style, with ads. When you or a friend share a vocal to Facebook from the Spotify app, you can press play and listen to it as you continue scrolling through Facebook.

2. The Inbox You Don't Even Know Virtually

Facebook  "Message Requests" folder

If yous've been a Facebook user for a while, then you lot probably have a folder full of unread letters that you didn't even know existed: the Bulletin Requests folder. This is where Facebook sends all the missives from people yous're non currently friends with. It could exist filled with erstwhile high school flings reaching out or a agglomeration of Nigerian spammers. Who knows? Merely one way to find out!

To review these letters, navigate to, and click theMessenger icon (the word balloon with the lightning bolt) at the summit of your Facebook dwelling screen. Click See All in Messenger at the lesser to get total screen. Click the three-dot ellipsis menu icon and select Message Requests. Then you'll see all sorts of messages from strangers.

In that location may be an entry called See Spam showing those who tried to contact yous, but who've likely been kicked off the service later on existence reported by others. Delete them with joy.

three. See All the Friends Y'all Requested

See All the Friends You Requested

What about all the people y'all asked to be your friend who ignored or deleted your asking? Facebook keeps track of that. Go to for a listing of the people who detest yous. Or perhaps they merely don't cheque Facebook that much. Probably both.

4. Come across Who's Snooping In Your Account

See Who's Snooping In Your Account

Desire to know if someone is logged into your Facebook account without your permission? Navigate to Settings > Security and Login and look for Where You're Logged In. Here, yous will find all your active Facebook log-ins from desktop or mobile devices, even across apps (like the Facebook app vs. the Messenger app). Information technology will (usually) provide data on the location, browser, and device. If something seems fishy, log out from individual devices (click thethree-dot menu > Log Out) or all devices at once (scroll to the lesser and click Log Out Of All Sessions). This comes in handy if you log in to a friend's laptop or a public estimator and forget to log out.

extra security features

It'due south a good idea to throw in some additional layers of security on your Facebook account. Here are three smart things you can do to protect yourself, which you'll find netherSettings > Security and Login:

  1. Enable Two-Cistron Authentication. It's a good thought to implement 2FA on all your accounts. That means if someone wants to access your account on a new device, they'll need your password and a code generated by an authenticator app or sent via text.

  2. Get alerts almost unrecognized logins. If somebody logs in to your account from an unrecognized device or browser, Facebook can let you know. (If you utilise a VPN, you may notice yous get those warnings about yourself if the VPN server is in a dissimilar land or country. That's the price of vigilance.)

  3. Designate 3-5 trusted contacts if you go locked out. Trusted Contacts are Facebook friends who can securely help you regain access to your account if you forget your password or lose your mobile device—or a nefarious person breaks in and locks You lot out. Y'all can ever alter your trusted contacts after, if you no longer trust them.

half-dozen. Restrict 'Friends' From Seeing Posts

Restrict 'Friends' From Seeing Posts

You can command who sees your Facebook posts—everyone, friends, friends of friends, or just specific people. If you take "friends" yous don't want snooping on all your posts, restrict their access. Go to the profile page of the friend y'all want to restrict. Click theFriendsbutton in gray (three-dot carte > Friends on mobile), and selectEdit Friends List >Restricted. That friend will no longer run across what you post unless it's a public mail service. You can check who's on this list by going to and clicking Restricted.

7. Unfollow People Without Unfriending

Unfollow People Without Unfriending

In theory, all your Facebook friends are actually people y'all like, and want to hear from, but that'southward not realistic. Only information technology would be rude to defriend your aunt or your chatty high school classmate. Have the piece of cake way out and Unfollow them. Their posts won't announced in your News Feed, just you'll however exist "friends" as far as Facebook is concerned. Unfollow from the News Feed by selecting the ellipsis and clicking "Unfollow [friend]." They won't be notified and y'all can ringlet in peace. Re-activate your virtual friendship later on past going to Settings & Privacy > News Feed Preferences > Reconnect.

8. Salve Posts for Later

Save Posts for Later

Facebook makes it next to impossible to go dorsum and find something that yous whizzed past during a recent scroll. Don't lose that tasty-looking recipe or interesting commodity; salvage it for afterward. Tap theellipsis menuin the top right of any post and selectSave link or Save to watch later from the drop-down menu. This will send the link to your Saved folder. Where's your Saved binder? You really won't see it until you save something. So a piffling imperial Saved ribbon appears in your left-hand favorites bar on the desktop; tap the hamburger menu on mobile. Saved Posts don't expire but they might disappear if the original poster deletes it. If you're a prolific saver, you lot can group your saved items into Collections to keep them organized.

9. Run across How Much Time You Spend on Facebook

your time on facebook

Are you concerned you spend too much fourth dimension on Facebook? On the mobile app, you can now see exactly how long yous spend on the site each 24-hour interval. Go to thehamburger menu > Settings & Privacy > Your Time on Facebook. The bar chart underMeet Time will brandish how many minutes per day yous were on during the last calendar week; swipe left to see Daytime vs. Nighttime usage, and total number of visits. UnderManage Your Time, set a Daily Time Reminder to exist notified when you've been on the app a certain amount of time, and create a Quiet Fashion schedule to mute push notifications.

Yous tin also apply the built-in iOS ScreenTime feature underSettingsto bank check your overall social network usage, and set a limit—maybe an hour per day on all social media (including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, and more than.) Android users can try Digital Wellbeing. There's no desktop equivalent for, just you could utilise the RescueTime extension to monitor yourself on Facebook and across.

ten. Download a Re-create of All Your Facebooking

Download a Copy of All Your Facebooking

Want your ain personal copy of everything you've always shared on Facebook—for posterity or to salvage earlier you delete your account? Every postal service, every image, every video, every message, and chat conversation (not to mention all the settings you probably don't even call up about)? Go toSettings > Your Facebook Information> Download Your Information. Follow the directions from there to decide what you want to download, the time frame you want, and the format the data should arrive in. Select Create File. Depending on how much stuff you lot have saved on your account, it could have awhile for Facebook to compile it; you'll go a notification when information technology's ready to download.

Legacy contact page on facebook

Everyone on Facebook will die. Somewhen. In anticipation of this unavoidable truth, Facebook lets you name a legacy contact who volition manage your business relationship after you are gone. Your legacy contact tin can write a pinned postal service for your profile, respond to new friend requests that come subsequently y'all have passed, and update your profile and cover photograph (in case your final image is yous in an ironic SpongeBob Halloween costume). They tin can fifty-fifty download your Facebook data, minus whatsoever messages y'all sent/received.

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Y'all can also choose to have your account deleted after you die. Facebook will send you an annual reminder to check your legacy contact, unless y'all turn that option off. GetSettings > General > Memorialization Settings > Edit on desktop or Settings > Personal Information > Manage Account on mobile to select or modify your legacy contact. If you're a legacy contact for someone who'southward passed away, use this Memorialization Asking form to tell Facebook nearly the person and ask to get their business relationship memorialized.

Edit Your Ad Preferences

Facebook's concern is built around providing marketers with detailed information on its users' interests, only y'all have the ability to keep your advert feel in bank check. Go toSettings > Ads. The first tab is Advertisers, starting with Advertisers You've Seen Most Recently, which you tin hide 1 past one. You can view a list of all those you've hidden, as well equally a list of ads you lot've clicked if yous want to hide them now. Click into Advertisement Topics and you'll see a few targeted toward you. Click Come across Fewer to do just that, but you can't really turn them off.

The Ad Settings tab is the virtually useful, as you tin can go in that location to limit the amount of data Facebook gets on y'all from partners, the categories they use on you lot, and the businesses that have you in an audition list for targeting. Yous can even limit the Facebook-created ads y'all see on other websites. All of these controls are express, but they're improve than goose egg. The worst function is you have to click through them one by one.

13. Apps Can Be Axed in Bulk

Apps Can Be Axed in Bulk

What you can bulk delete are the apps and websites that use Facebook for log-ins. Become toSettings > Apps & Websites and you lot'll see tabs for Active, Expired, and Removed apps/sites. Select a agglomeration and log out. When you go dorsum to that site/service in the future, information technology'south all-time to do a login with an email address and password; better yet, use a password manager.

fourteen. Plough Off Autoplay Videos

 Turn Off Autoplay Videos

Do you hate it when a video starts playing automatically? Kill that "feature." Go toSettings > Videos and set Machine-Play Videos to Off. Stat. You won't regret it. If you lot do it on the desktop, it besides turns off motorcar-play on your mobile devices, and vice versa.

15. Stop With the Birthdays

Stop With the Birthdays

Facebook will tell you every morning who among your friends is celebrating their arrival on Earth. If you hate that and birthdays in general, stop the notifications. Go toSettings > Notifications. There are many things here you lot can curtail, such as highlights of what you lot did on that twenty-four hours in the past, activities of your closest friends, the launch of new local Pages, etc. But not far down is the option to turn off the birthdays.

Absurd Tricks Within Facebook Messenger

Cool Tricks and Secret Gems Inside Facebook Messenger

Messenger is much more than a mere chat app, as our all-time tips and tricks reveal.

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