
How Long Does A Software Update Take

Apple's iOS 15.3.1 update is a signal upgrade, just it could still have quite a bit of time to install on your iPhone.

The company's pushed a new iOS 15.3.1 update and the software brings a very brusk list of changes to iPhone users. The update includes a issues fix and a security patch. It doesn't accept whatsoever known features on lath.

If yous're moving your iPhone from iOS 15.3 to iOS fifteen.3.ane, you get the shortest listing of changes and the smallest download size. To give yous an idea, the iOS 15.3.ane update is around 242 MB for iPhone 12 Pro users moving up from iOS 15.3.

If you lot're upgrading from an older version of iOS, your iOS 15.3.1 download could be even larger because the changes from the update(due south) you skipped are broiled in.

While some of you might desire to skip the iOS xv.three.1 download for the fourth dimension beingness, most people should install the software correct now, or, at some point in the near future.

If you determine to install iOS 15.3.1 on your iPhone, you'll want to set aside some time to get the upgrade properly installed on your device.

Moving a device from one version of iOS to some other tin cause problems so you'll want to monitor the download and installation.

We can't tell you lot exactly how long the process will take considering it will vary. That said, we tin help yous gauge how much time y'all should set bated should y'all choose to install the new software on your iPhone.

Chore Time
Sync (Optional) v-45 Minutes
Backup and Transfer (Optional) ane-xxx Minutes
iOS fifteen.3.1 Download 5 Minutes to 15 Minutes
iOS 15.iii.1 Installation vii Minutes to 12 Minutes
Total iOS 15.3.1 Update Time 12 Minutes to i 60 minutes+


Before yous outset the iOS 15.3.1 download make sure yous're prepared.

If yous don't know how to properly prepare for an iOS upgrade, take a look at our pre-installation guide. It'll walk you through the near important steps to take before yous start the installation process.

You should be able to get through these steps in 30 minutes, but it all depends on your skill level and the electric current state of your iPhone.

If yous haven't backed up your data in awhile or if you aren't familiar with iOS 15.3.1'due south changes, the pre-installation process could take you lot a longer.

You don't need to follow every single stride in the guide, only at the very least you'll want to brand certain your phone's data is backed up properly.

Data loss issues are pretty rare, but if you shop sensitive data (photos, videos, etc) on your device, it'south always better to err on the side of caution.

iOS Download

Once y'all've prepared, it'south fourth dimension to kickoff the download procedure.

Once more, the exact size of your iOS 15.three.1 download volition depend on your iPhone model and the version of iOS it'south currently running.

If you lot're on the latest version of iOS 15 for your iPhone you lot'll, once more, see the smallest download size. If yous're running an older version, your download could be larger.

If you're on a fast Wi-Fi network, the download could finish upwards in less than 7 minutes. If your connection is slower, or you're downloading during peak hours, you might be looking at x minutes or more.

iOS 15.3.1 Installation

Once your device is done pulling iOS 15.iii.i from Apple's servers, the installation process will brainstorm. This could take longer than the download.

If you're moving up from iOS 15.iii, the iOS xv.3.1 installation should have effectually 10 minutes to complete. It took near seven minutes to install on an iPhone 12 Pro that was previously running iOS 15.3.

Your iPhone might reboot itself a couple of times during the installation process, but this is perfectly normal. Your device should boot upwardly unremarkably one time the installation process completes.


Later the installation finishes up, you might need to spend time logging into your iCloud business relationship, signing into your device'south various apps and services, and/or setting upwardly Apple Pay.

You also might desire to spend some time checking your of import information (photos, music, etc) to make sure everything carried over properly.

After you lot do that, make certain y'all examination your cadre applications and services to ensure they're working normally. New iOS software can crusade apps to become haywire.

If you detect an outcome with ane or more of your apps, try downloading the latest version. Developers are withal rolling out iOS 15 back up updates.

Y'all'll besides want to poke effectually your phone for bugs and performance bug. If y'all notice something take a expect at our listing of fixes for common iOS fifteen issues.

4 Reasons Not to Install iOS 15.3.1 & eleven Reasons You lot Should

Install iOS 15.3.1 for Meliorate Security

Install iOS 15.3.1 for Better Security

If security is important to you, you'll want to think nearly installing Apple's iOS 15.iii.i update right away.

iOS xv.iii.1 has ane security patch on board, but it'south an of import ane. For more about information technology, head on over to Apple's security page.

If y'all missed iOS xv.3, you'll get its patches with your upgrade. iOS xv.3 brought x new security patches to iPhone users. If you lot're interested in the details, you can read more about them right here.

If you missed iOS xv.two.ane, you'll get its security patch with your upgrade. You can learn more almost the change over on Apple'due south website.

If you missed Apple's iOS 15.2 update, you'll get its thirty+ security patches with your upgrade. Y'all tin can read all about them over on the visitor'due south security site.

iOS 15.2 also included some of import upgrades to privacy. The software brought the company's App Privacy Report to Settings. This lets you see how often your apps have accessed your location, photos, camera, microphone, contacts and more during the last seven days. You lot tin also come across their network activeness.

In add-on, iOS 15.2 brought Apple's communication rubber features for kids. You lot'll notice these features in the Messages app, in Siri, in Spotlight, and in Search.

If you missed iOS fifteen.ane, iOS xv.3.1 will bring its security patches to your iPhone. You tin can read more about them on Apple tree'southward website.

If y'all missed iOS fifteen.0.2 you'll besides get its security patch with your upgrade. You lot tin learn more than almost it right hither.

iOS 15.0 also brought numerous security patches to your iPhone. If you'll exist moving up from iOS 14 and you're interested in the exact nature of these improvements, you lot can read about them over on Apple'south security website.

Apple tree's updated its website with new information about iOS 15's batch of security patches. The company now says the software patched up an issue that could have exposed a user's private Apple ID information and in-app search history. It besides says iOS 15 patched upwards an consequence that allowed apps to override Privacy preferences.

If you skipped iOS 14.viii or whatever older versions of iOS, yous'll become the security patches from those updates with your iOS xv.three.1 update as well.

In addition to those patches, iOS fifteen comes with some security and privacy upgrades including improvements to Siri. Requests made to Siri are now processed on the device itself using Neural Engine. This makes it more than secure.

If you're an Apple tree Card user, you'll now get a security code that changes regularly to use when you lot make online transactions.

Apple tree's also included a built-in authenticator that's like to Google Authenticator. This will let yous generate verification codes for enhanced sign-in security under your Passwords.

There's also a Mail service feature that hides your IP address. The company will add a new App Privacy report characteristic in the adjacent version of iOS 15 that will tell you when an app has accessed sensitive information.


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